Brought forward
Licenses, Traders' Liqour
$29,865 77
" To catch Oysters with Tongs...............
6,183 44
" To Dredge for Oysters ........................
22,515 29
" Wood Hucksters................................
1,188 00
Legislature — repayments..................................
60 00
Loans — temporary........................................
100,000 00
Military Fund - for Commutation........
9,000 00
Northern Central Railway Company ..................
90,000 00
Oyster Fund..............................................
79 92
State Hay Scales, including sale of old Scales..
5,832 32
State Live Stock Scales....................................
2,266 99
State Tobacco Inspections................................
55,050 41
State Wharves...............................................
2,353 30
Southern Relief Fnnd — Invested in, proceeds of
Agricultural College Scrip ............................
100,000 00
Susquehanna and Tide Water Canal Company.....
60,000 00
Special Appropriation - a repayment
16 00
Taxes, Direct — from Collectors...........................
119,129 95
Bounty, " ..........................
107,107 37
School, " ..........................
342,915 .82
Direct, Incorporated Institutions......
8,216 44
Bounty, " " ......
3,353 75
School, " "
23,009 02
Direct, State and other Stocks.........
10,926 43
Bounty, " " " .........
5,334 49
School, « " " .........
18,293 72
Tax on Civil Commissions..................................
3,735 80
Tax on Trustee! and Receivers..........................
43 82
Tax on Commissions of Executors and Adminis-
trators .......................................................
43,827 07
Tax on Collateral Inheritances..........................
28,031 02
Tax on Protests...............................................
990 00
Tax on Policies of Insurance............................
36 00
Total receipts during the year ending 30th Sep-
tember, 1867................................................
$2,362,876 88
Balance in the Treasury 30th September, 1866.....
367,816 36
$2,730,693 24'
Total receipts dnring the year ending 30th Sep-
tember, 1867.................................................
$2,362,876 83
Of these receipts the sum of $394,938.27 was re-
ceived from revenue which accrued before the
fiscal year of 1867, viz.
From State and Bounty Tax .............................
$165,261 53
Public School Tax....................................
155,105 68
Tax on Commissions of Executors and Ad-
818 70
Tax on Collateral Inheritances..................
232 38
Fines and Forfeitures ..............................
2,061 42
Excess of Fees of Office ........................
666 62
2,958 35
State Tobacco Inspections........................
7,833 59
Dividend Bond Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
10,000 00
Company- Redeemed
" One-fifth receipts of Passengers of Washing-
ton Branch Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
—on account of transportation of Troops
50,000 00
394,938 27
$1,967,038 61