Acts Authorizing Payments.
Brought- forward.............................................................
Contingent Fund of Immigration, paid on drafts of th& Commissioner for
salaries, office rent, and expenses of the Board of Public Works..........
Contingent Fund of State Library, paid on drafts of Librarian for salary of
37 of 1866........................
$4,018 85
4,018 85
Assistant and expenses.................................................................
183 of 1865, and 302 of 1867
1,409 04
1,409 04
Contingent Fund of Public Instruction, for salaries of Secretary and Book
Clerk, Office Rent, and incidental expenses of Superintendent, paid on
drafts of State Superintendent.......................................................
160 of 1865, and 302 of 1867
5,135 37
Contingent Fund of Public Instruction, for drafts paid expenses of State
Normal School.....................................................
160 of 1865......................
12,384 17
Contingent Fund of Public Instruction, for drafts paid expenses State Board
of Education...............................................................................
do. ......................
296 70
17,816 24
Contingent tfund of the Treasury Department, for expenses of Treasurer's
and Comptroller's Offices..............................................................
183 of 1865, and 302 of 1867
1,035 25
Colleges, Academies and Schools.
Paid to St. John's College.............................................................
128 of 1864, 183 of 1865, and
3,000 00
Allegany county — Academic Fund.......................................
302 of 1867....................
400 00
Anne Arundel co. " " .......................................
do. do.
800 00
Baltimore Female College...................................................
do. do.
2,100 00
Baltimore county — Academic Fund......................................
do. do.
1,200 00
Calvert county .... ...............................
do. do.
1,200 00
Caroline county ......................................
do. do.
1,200 00
Carroll county ......................................
do. do.
1,600 00
" Cecil county ......................................
d6. do.
1,200 00
Charles county (See Charlotte Hall)...........
do. do.
Dorchester county ......................................
do. do.
1,300 00.
Frederick county — Frederick College and St. John's Institute...
do. do.
1,200 00
Carried forward...........................................................