ANNAPOLIS, January 1st, 1868.
STATEMENT of the receipts and expenditures of the public money for the year
ending September 30, 1867; furnished in obedience to the twentieth section of the
third article of the Constitution, and section twenty-five of article twenty-two of
the Code of Public General Laws.
Statement showing the total receipts into the Treasury, in the fiscal year ending 30th
September, 1867, to have been $2,362,876.88; which, added to the balance in the
Treasury as of September 30th, 1866, will make the aggregate in the Treasury dur-
ing the fiscal year $2,730,693.24.
There was received into the Treasury during the
fiscal year ending 30th September, 1867, the sum
of $2,362,876.88, on the following accounts, viz.
Auction Duties.................................................
$11,986 28
Bank Stocks— for Dividends..............................
5,482 04
" from sales of ..............................
45,384 50
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company — one-fifth
of Receipts from Passengers on Washington
Branch ......................................................
204,821 28
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company — Divi-
dends Main Stem...........................................
40,000 00
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company — Divi-
dends Washington Branch.............................
55,000 00
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company— Six
months' Interest on Dividend Bond...............
300 00
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company — Redemp-
tion of Dividend Bond..................................
10,000 00
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company — Interest
on $3,000,000 Loan .....................................
Bounty to Volunteers — repayments....................
180,000 00
79,050 00
Baltimore and Frederick Turnpike Company —
962 50
Contingent Fund of the Executive — a repayment,
526 00
Costs of Suit — a repayment..............................
9 90
Excess of Fees of Office.—.............................
7,525 85
Government Houie— proceeds from sales of.........
25,000 00
Fines and Forfeitures.....................................
5,119 51
Grain Inspections............................................
,5,996 93
Interst on Personal Accounts
2,958 35
Land Office....................................................
2,155 12
Land Scrip for Agricultral College
112,504 00
Licenses, Auctioneers
5,400 00
" Billiard Table....................................
7,140 40
" Brokers
8,588 38
" Exhibition....................................
3,840 26
' Foreign Insurance Agents...................
15,600 00
' Hawkers and Pedlarrs...........................
9,427 55
" Inspectors and Gaugers....
2,252 55
" Marriage ................................
23,257 39
' Non-Resident ...................................
6,385 50
" Ordinary .........................................
24,318 24
" Oyster House.....................................
103,659 94
" Race and Fishery................................
55 10
" Traders............................................
158,808 27