transferred, any shares of stock or any debt stand-
ing at the time of service in the name of the de-
fendant, unless the same is released, as hereinaf-
ter provided, such corporation shall pay to the
plaintiff in the writ under which such notice was
given, the full market value of the stock or debt
so transferred, to be recovered by suit.
Sec. 204. And be it enacted, That if the proceed-
ings under such writ be ended by countermand,
payment or any other cause before a sale, the stock
seized thereunder shall be released, and the Sher-
iff shall give notice thereof in writing to the cor-
Ended by
Sec. 205. And be it enacted, That if the Sheriff
shall make sale of any shares of stock or transfer-
able debt, whether he continues in office or not, or
whether he has returned the writ under which the
sale was made or not, he shall transfer the said
stock or debt so sold on the books of the corpora-
tion to the purchaser ; or if the Sheriff making
such sale shall die or remove from the county
without making such transfer, the court to which
the writ was returnable may appoint a person to
make the same.
Sheriff to
make sale.
Sec. 206. And be it enacted, That if any cor-
poration or any of its officers shall refuse to per-
mit any transfer authorized to be made by the pre-
ceding section, the court to which the writ by vir-
tue of which such such stock or debt was sold, was
returnable, or any Judge thereof in vacation, may
punish by process of contempt all persons so re-
fusing to permit such transfer, and may also cause
the proper book of such corporation to be brought
before such court or Judge, and the transfer to be
made, and the corporation shall -be liable for all
damages sustained by reason of a refusal to per-
mit such transfer.
Punish for
Sec. 207. And be it enacted, That the purchaser
may refuse to accept the transfer of any stock or
transferable debt, unless it be made within thirty
days after the sale, and may bring an action on
the case against the Sheriff, officers or corporation
by whose default the said transfer was delayed or
omitted, and may recover the value of the stock
or debt at the time the transfer should have been
May refuse
to accept.