made, or at any time afterwards, before the render-
ing of the verdict in his said suit.
Fee for
Sec. 208. And be it enacted, That any person
whom the court may appoint to make any transfer,
shall be entitled to the sum of one dollar, to be
paid by the purchaser, and recovered by him from
the person who ought to have made the transfer.
Sec. 209. And be it enacted, That any corpora-
tion not chartered by the laws of this State, which
shall transact business therein, shall be deemed
to hold and exercise franchises within this State,
and shall be liable to suit in any of the courts of
this State, on any dealings or transactions therein.
against whom
Sec. 210. And be it enacted, That process issued
by any court or Justice of the Peace of this State
against any corporation incorporated under its
laws, may be served on any President,' Director,
Manager or other officer of such corporation, and
all suits which shall hereafter be brought against
any corporation which has been or may be incor-
porated under the general incorporation laws of
this State, shall be brought in the county or city
of Baltimore, as the case may be, in which the
certificate of incorporation is required to be and
has been recorded.
Process served
Sec. 211. And be it enacted, That suits may be
brought in any court of this State, or before a
Justice of the Peace, against any corporation not
incorporated under its laws, but deemed to hold and
exercise franchises herein, or against any joint stock
company or association doing business in this State
by a resident of this State, for any cause of action ;
and by a plaintiff, not a resident of this State,
when the cause of action has arisen, or the subject
of the action shall be situated in this State ; and
process in such suits may be served as provided
in the next preceding section, and also upon any
agent of such corporation or joint stock company
or association ; and in case of service of process on
an agent, notice of such process shall be left at
the principal office of said corporation, joint stock
company or association, if there be such office in
this State, provided nothing in this Article shall
prevent or affect the issue of attachments against
corporations as now or hereafter allowed by law.