Sheriff to levy.
writ on any such stock or debt, shall deliver to the
President or chief officer, or leave at the place of
business of such corporation a notice in writing,
stating that he has seized the stock or debt of the
defendant, (naming him) and the purpose for
which he has seized the same, and shall return a
copy of such notice and return it with the writ.
President to
Sec. 200. And be it enacted, That upon the ser-
vice of such notice, the Sheriff may require the
President, or any other officer of the corporation,
to certify to him in writing the number of shares
of stock, and the amount of transferable debt on
its books, standing in the name of the defendant
at the time of said notice ; and if any President
or other officer, so required, shall refuse or neglect
for twenty-four hours to deliver such certificate,
the Sheriff or other officer shall certify the fact to
the court, to which the writ is returnable, or to
any Judge thereof, and the said court or Judge
may order an attachment of contempt against such
President or other officer, and may cornpel him to
answer upon oath on oral examination as to the
number of shares of stock, and amount of debt
standing on the books of the corporation, in the
name of the defendant, at the time of service of
such notice, and may compel the production of the
books of said corporation, and also fine the Presi-
dent or other officer for not giving the required
Sec. 201. And be it enacted, That when the
Sheriff has ascertained the number of shares of
stock, and amount of such debt standing in the
name of the defendant, he shall make a schedule
of such shares or debt, or so much thereof as will
be amply sufficient to secure the sum of money he
is required to levy, and costs, and shall give notice
to the corporation that the stock or debt not inclu-
ded in his schedule is released.
Sec. 202. And be it enacted, That if the levy be
made under a fieri facias, the Sheriff shall adver-
tise and sell the stock or debt as if the same were
real estate.
Cannot trans
fer after sei-
Sec, 203. And be it enacted, That if any corpo-
I ration or its officers, after service of notice of seiz-
ure as aforesaid, shall transfer or permit to b3