cretion and under the direction of the court in
which the suit shall be pending, be substituted as
plaintiffs, subject to such order as the court may
deem expedient in relation to the payment or se-
curity of costs.
Sec. 195. And be it enacted, That whenever a re-
ceiver of the property or effects of a corporation
shall be appointed before the dissolution or after-
wards, new suits may be brought and carried on
by any such receivers, either in their own names
and capacities as such receivers, or in the name
of the corporation for which they shall have been
appointed ; but no new suit shall be brought in
the name of a corporation after it shall have
been dissolved, or after the expiration of its
New suits.
Sec. 196. And be it enacted, That no suit com-
menced in the name of any such receiver shall be
abated by his removal or death : but the same
may be continued in the name of his successor or
of the corporation, if its charter has not expired
or been dissolved, as may be directed by the
court in which the suit shall be pending.
Not abated
by death.
Sec. 197. And be it enacted, That the court in
which any suit or proceeding against a corpora-
tion which shall have been dissolved by the expi-
ration of its charter, or otherwise, shall be pend-
ing at the time of such dissolution, shall have
power, on the application of either party thereto,
to make an order for the continuance of such suit
or proceeding, and the same may thereafter be
continued until final judgment or decree shall be
had therein, which shall have the like effect upon
the rights of the parties as if such corporation
had not been dissolved.
Final judg-
Sec. 198. And be it enacted. That any interest
which any defendant in a judgment or decree ren-
dered by a court of law or equity, has in the capi-
tal, joint stock, or debts of a corporation, trans-
ferable on its books, shall be liable to execution or
attachment, and the same proceedings shall be
had as in other cases except when they are varied
by the following Sections.
Sec. 199. And be it enacted, That the Sheriff or
other officer, upon being instructed to levy such
Interest liable.