Bowlus, Drt Joseph Smith, Lewis Watson, Lloyd
H. Hening, David Keafawer, Victor Cushwa and
Isaac Motter, be and they are hereby appointed
Commissioners, under the direction of a majority
of whom subscriptions may be received to the
capital stock of the Frederick and Williamsport
Railroad Company, hereby incorporated ; and
the said Commissioners, or a majority of them,
may cause books to be opened at such times and
places as they may direct, for the purpose of re-
ceiving subscriptions to the capital stock of said
Company, after having given such notice of the
times and places of opening the same, as they may
Open books.
deem proper ; and if such subscription to the capi-
tal stock of said Company as is necessary to its in-
corporation be not previously obtained, the said
books may be opened from time to time for the
period of five years from the passage of this Act,
at the discretion of the said Commissioners or a
majority of them, and if any of the said Commis-
sioners shall die, resign or refuse to act, another
may be appointed in his stead by the remaining
Commissioners or a majority of them.
Subscribe for
Sec. 2. And .be it enacted. That any individual,
or any corporation incorporated by the laws of
this State, may subscribe for such portion of the
stock of said Company as to the individual or
corporation may seem proper.
Capital stock.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted. That the capital stock
of the Frederick and Williamsport Railroad Com-
pany shall be one and a half millions of dol-
lars, in shares of fifty dollars each, which said
capital stuck may be increased, at the discretion of
the directors to be appointed as hereinafter pro-
vided for, to an amount not exceeding two and a
half millions of dollars, and as soon as one thou-
sand shares of the said capital stock shall be sub-
scribed, the subscribers to said stock, and their
successors, shall be and they are hereby declared
to be incorporated into a Company, by the name of
the Frederick and Williamsport Railroad Com-
pany, and by that name shall be capable in law of
purchasing, holding", selling, leasing and convey-
ing estates, real, personal and mixed, so far as may
be necessary for the purposes hereinafter men-
tioned, and no further ; and shall have perpetual