The County Commissioners of Baltimore Coun-
ty, within twenty days after the passage of this
Act, shall order an election in each of said prima-
Order an
ry road districts, having first given two weeks'
notice in the county newspapers, and by handbills,
to be posted in not less than ten public places of
each of said districts, for five supervisors of roads
and bridges, to hold their office for five years, and
be re-eligible ; they shall constitute and be termed
the Local Board of Supervisors of Disctrict No. 1,
No. 2, &c., as the case may be — one member of
said Board, to be determined by the drawing of
lots, to retire each year, and a successor to be elec-
ted from one of the sub-districts, to be hereinafter
provided for, and in each successive election the
new member to be taken from some other sub-dis-
trict than that already represented, and so on till
the whole Board shall be constituted with a mem-
ber residing in each of the sub-districts to be here-
inafter created — the registered voters only of each
election district to be permitted to vote. In the
event of a vacancy occurring in the Board of Lo-
cal Supervisors, by reason of the death, disability
or removal from the county, of any member, the
Board shall fill the unexpired term of such mem-
ber by appointment, till the proper time for elec-
ting his successor. Three of the Board shall con-
stitute a quorum.
Board of
The Local Board of Supervisors thus elected
and constituted, shall meet in their respective
primary road districts within ten days after their
election, at some convenient and central point, and
organize their Board by electing a Chairman,
Treasurer, Secretary and Collector from their own
number, the compensation of each supervisor to be
at the rate of one dollar and a half per day for
every day in which he may be engaged in the per-
formance of any duties required by this law, eith-
er as supervisor, examiner or member of the Cen-
tral Board, to be hereinafter created.
Divide into
The said Local Boards of each primary district
shall, immediately after their organization, pro-
ceed to divide each of said primary districts into
five sub-districts, as nearly equal in the extent of
roads to be supervised, as practicable, and to de-