five hundred dollars ; for the Baltimore Orphans'
Asylum, two thousand dollars ; for the Hebrew
Asylum, two thousand dollars; for St. Mary's In-
dustrial School, ten thousand dollars ; to Saint
Vincent's Infant Asylum in the city of Baltimore,
fifteen hundred dollars ; to the House of the Good
Shepherd in the city of Baltimore, fifteen hundred
Public debt
For the payment of the interest on the Public
Debt of this State, that is to say, the interest fall-
ing due quarterly on the currency debt, the interest
on the balance of the County loan outstanding,
and the interest on the sterling debt falling; due
semi-annually, and payable in London, including
the cost of exchange, remittance and commission,
six hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars ;
for the payment of the interest on the bonds of
the Annapolis and Elkridge Railroad Company,
issued in eighteen hundred and forty-six and eigh-
teen hundred and sixty-four, one housand dollars.
To the night watchmen of public buildings, six
hundred dollars each — twelve hundred dollars ; to
the person employed to take care of the public
buildings, five hundred and forty dollars ; to the
keeper of the steam-house and Record Office fur-
nace, five hundred and forty dollars ; to the as-
sistant keeper of the steam-house and Record Office
furnace, five hundred and forty dollars ; to the
person employed to attend to the rooms of the
Court of Appeals, one hundred dollars ; to a mes-
senger for the Governor, seven hundred dollars ;
for the salary of the State Vaccine Agent, six hun-
dred dollars ; for the expense of distributing the
Maryland Reports, fifty dollars.
How dis-
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the Treasurer
of the State shall, upon the warrant of the Comp-
troller, disburse the said sums of money herein
appropriated, for the objects and purposes specified
to or upon the order of the person or persons,
bodies politic or corporate severally entitled there-