tablish at some convenient and central location a
High School or other advanced school, which shall
be open to the youth of both counties.
Sec. 3. Such High School shall be governed by
a Board composed of the several Boards of the
counties establishing said school, and shall be
subject to their visitation, and such Board shall
be styled the High School Board of ...... counties.
Schools — how
Sec. 4. The funds for suitable buildings for
High School shall be provided by the Boards of
County School Commissioners to be paid to, and
be applied by the said High School Board ; pro-
vided, however, that before proceeding to locate
the High School, the High School Board shall
advertise and receive offers from the citizens of any
district or town, who may be inclined to provide
suitable buildings, apparatus, &c., in order to
secure the location of the High School in their
Funds for
Sec. 5. These buildings shall be kept in repair
by, and the title thereof be vested in the High
School Board of ...... counties. In all particulars
concerning text books, course of study and mode
of discipline, the High School shall be under the
control of the State Board of Education.
Kept in re-
Sec. 6. Each High School shall be visited and
examined annually by the Principal of the State
Normal School or a professor thereof; such High
School shall also be visited at least once each
school term, by the President of the High School
Board of ...... counties who shall report quarterly
to the Board the result of his observations.
High School
Sec. 7. The Principal of each High School shall
report annually to the High School Board of ......
Sec. 8. If practicable, military tactics may form
a department in every High School and College of
the State.
Sec. 9. Whenever the joint High School Board,
or the joint advanced School Board of any two or
more counties or school house districts is composed
of six, eight, ten, or any other even number of
persons, the High School Board shall appoint one
additional member.
Joint Board.