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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 30, 1868
Volume 142, Page 3102   View pdf image (33K)
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all ordinances for the protection of the school
houses and school property, and to punish any
person who may disturb the sessions of the said
Public Schools.

Levy taxes.

Sec. 4. And the said Mayor and City Council
are hereby authorized and empowered to levy and
collect upon the assessable property in said city,
as other taxes are levied and collected, such
amount of tax as may be necessary to defray all
the expenses incurred for educational purposes by
said Mayor and City Council.


High Schools.

High Schools.

SECTION 1. Every school house district, or any
two or more school house districts, or any county
shall, jointly, severally and respectively, have the
power to levy taxes upon their respective assess-
able property, for the purchase of sites and the
erection of school houses ; for the improvement of
the schools within their boundaries ; for the in-
crease of the teachers' salary beyond the amount
herein prescribed ; for the purchase of superior
school apparatus ; for the establishment of Gram-
mar and High Schools, or for any other purpose

Power of


that may tend to the increase of educational facili-
ties. If any Grammar or High School be estab-
lished by one school house district alone, then the
trustees of such district shall exercise the same
control over such Grammar or High School as
hereinbefore provided for primary schools ; but if
such advanced schools be established and main-
tained by more than one school house district,
then the several Boards of Trustees of the respec-
tive districts shall jointly constitute the Board of
Trustees for such advanced school, and shall in
their joint capacity exercise a like control over
such advanced school as in their several capacities
they exercise over their respective primary schools ;
and if the advanced school is established by a
county, then the Board of County School Com-
missioners shall exercise control over such ad-
vanced school.

May unite.

Sec. 2. Whenever the Boards of School Com-
missioners of any two or more counties shall deem
it expedient, they may unite their funds and es-

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 30, 1868
Volume 142, Page 3102   View pdf image (33K)
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