District Libraries.
SECTION V. For the further encouragement of
education district libraries ought to be established
in each school house district, under the care of the
teacher as Librarian. For this purpose the sum
of ten dollars per annum is ordered to be paid by
the County School Board out of the State School
Fund, to any school house district, as library
money, as long as the people of the district raise
the same amount annually. The books must
be selected by the School District Board and
The City of Baltimore.
District libra-
SECTION 1. The Mayor and City Council of the
city of Baltimore shall have full power and au-
thority to establish in said city a system of free
Public Schools, under such ordinances, rules and
regulations as they may deem fit and proper to
enact and prescribe. They may delegate super-
visory powers and control to a Board of School
Commissioners; may prescribe rules for building
school houses and for locating, establishing and
closing schools, and may in general do every act
that may be necessary or proper in the premises.
City of Bal-
Sec. 2. The Board of Commissioners of Public
Schools of Baltimore city, or by whatsoever name
the body may be known that has supervisory
powers and control over the Public Schools of
Baltimore city, shall have power to examine, ap-
point and remove teachers, prescribe the qualifica-
tions, fix the salaries and select text books for the
schools of said city ; provided, such text books
shall contain nothing of a sectarian or partisan
character. The Board of Commissioners of Public
Schools of said city shall annually make a report
to the Principal of the State Normal School of
the condition of the schools under their charge, to
include a statement of expenditures, the number
of children taught, and such other statistical in-
formation as may be necessary to exhibit the oper-
ation of the schools.
ers of Public
Sec. 3. The said Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore shall have power and authority to make
of Mayor and
City Council.