it may be formed, shall not contain less than
thirty-five legal resident voters.
School House Sites.
SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of the School
District Board, with the consent of the Board of
County School Commissioners, to select a suitable
school House site in each district whenever the ne-
cessities of the public schools demand a change of
site or sites already built upon, or a new school
house to be built.
Board select
Sec. 2. The Board of County School Commis-
sioners may receive donations of such sites, or lo-
cations, for school houses, or of houses already
built, adapted to school purposes, or suitably lo-
cated, or may purchase the same ; but in no case
shall any site be built upon, or any house be oc-
cupied, until a good and sufficient title shall have
been obtained for the same, in the corporate name
of the Board of County School Commissioners.
Sites donated.
Sec. 3. When lands shall be required for the
site of a school house, or for enlarging a school
house lot, and the School District Board shall
from any cause be unable to contract with the
owner thereof, the Board of County School Com-
missioners may apply for a writ of "ad quod dam-
num" to the Clerk of the Circuit Court for the
county, who shall forthwith issue the same, and
the Sheriff shall execute the said writ, and return
an inquisition describing the land and stating the
amount of damages to be paid to the owner, and
the Judge of the Circuit Court for the county
may, at any time after the return of the inquisi-
tion, in term or during recess, hear a motion to
confirm such inquisition, on such notice to the
parties as he may direct, and confirm or quash the
same ; and if he quashes the inquisition, he shall
order a new one forthwith to be taken, but no lot
so taken or enlarged shall exceed in the whole one
acre, including the land occupied by the school
Sec. 4. In all cases when school house sites are
thus purchased or condemned, the cost thereof
shall be paid as other school house property is
paid for.
Cost of sites.