Months kept
SECTION 1. In every school house district in each
county, established as hereinbefore provided, there
shall be kept for ten months in each year, one or
more schools, according to population, which shall
be free to all white youth over six and under
eighteen years of age.
What taught.
Sec. 2. In every district school there shall be
taught Orthography, Reading, Writing, English
Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, History of the
United States, the Constitution of the United
States, the Constitution of the State of Maryland
and Good Behavior. Algebra, Book-keeping,
Natural Philosophy, Vocal Music, Drawing, Phys-
iology, the Laws of Health and of Domestic
Economy shall also be taught whenever the School
District Board shall deem it expedient.
Sec. 3. Whenever a school numbers over
sixty children, an assistant teacher shall be em-
Sloyed, and then for every additional forty chil-
ren, one additional teacher shall be appointed ;
and the Board of County School Commissioners
shall direct the division of the pupils so as to form
a graded school.
Public Ex-
Sec. 4. Public examinations shall be held in
each school, once in each term, of which due
notice shall be given, that parents and others in-
terested in public education may attend.
Hours kept
Sec. 5. Schools shall be kept open each week
day except Saturday, for six hours, and the hours
for teaching shall be regulated by the several
school District Boards.
Sec. 6. Any person who shall disturb any dis-
trict school in session, shall, upon conviction
thereof before a Justice of the Peace, forfeit and
pay twenty dollars, to be collected as other fines,
and to be paid to the School District Board for the
benefit of the school house district, or said offend-
er shall be imprisoned until the penalty and costs
be paid, not exceeding, however, thirty days.
Sec. 7. The school year shall be divided into
four terms, which shall be designated the fall
term, winter term, spring term, and summer term,