Sec. 2. The School District Board shall have
the care and control of all houses and lands con-
nected therewith, intended for school purposes,
within the limits of their respective districts ; also,
of the furniture, apparatus and other school pro-
perty belonging to the district. They shall attend
to all necessary repairs, and charge the cost
among the incidental expenses of the school, to
be paid out of the tax levied upon the assessable
property of the county as herein provided for.
Provided, that when repairs are to be paid for out
of a county school tax, the amount to be expended
for said repairs shall be determined by the Board
of School Commissioners before the repairs are
made. The Board shall employ a teacher from
among those persons who hold the required certifi-
cate; they shall exercise a general supervision
over their respective schools and visit them fre-
quently, and shall cause instruction to be given
for ten months in the year, and the County Com-
missioners shall provide by general county taxa-
tion for school houses in the several districts, to
be paid out of the school fund of the county.
Plans of
Sec. 3. Every school house shall be built and
furnished according to plans and drawings issued
from the office of the Principal of the State Nor-
mal School, or according to plans issued from the
Board of County School Commissioners, that
proper regard may be had to light and ventila-
tion, and other matters that conduce to the com-
fort, health and good order of the pupils.
Sec, 4. Every school house site must be provided
with suitable out-buildings.
Not used for
other purpose.
Sec. 5. No school house shall be used for any
other than public school purposes, and school dis-
trict meetings.
New districts.
Sec. 6. Contiguous portions of two or more
school house districts may, with the consent of
the Board of County School Commissioners, com-
bine and form a new school house district, and
when thus formed, the said new school house dis-
trict shall be invested with all the rights and
powers hereinbefore set forth as pertaining to such
districts ; provided, that the new school house
district thus formed, or said district from which