his annual report to the Principal of the State
Normal School.
Sec. 9. Whenever the number of children at-
tending school in any school district is greater
than one hundred, then the Board of County
School Commissioners may, with the consent of
the trustees, establish schools of different grades,
and determine into which school each pupil shall
be admitted, or the school district may be divided.
And whenever the average attendance in any
school for any two consecutive quarters is less
than ten pupils, then said school may be closed
by the Board of County School Commissioners ;
provided, that the trustees of the district may
keep the school open in part at the expense of the
district, and shall receive their proportion of the
school fund for said school, rating a full school at
twenty-five scholars.
Number of
Sec. 10. The Board of County School Commis-
sioners shall publish annually in all of the papers
of the county, a statement of the moneys received
and expended, setting forth all the financial oper-
ations of each district, and if there be no news-
papers within the limits of the county, then they
shall publish the same in such other form as may
be determined, and forward a copy to the Prin-
cipal of the State Normal School.
The Board of School House District Trustees.
Publish state-
ment of mo-
SECTION 1. For the purpose of electing two
trustees of the school house district, and deciding
such other questions as may arise, an election by
ballot shall be held in every such district on the
first Saturday of the month of May, at 3 o'clock
P. M., in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-
eight, and on the first Saturday in May in every
year thereafter, at which every registered voter
having a legal residence therein shall be entitled
to vote, and the School Commissioners for the
several counties shall give at least ten days public
notice of such elections by advertisement in the
newspapers of the county or Baltimore city ; but
if no election shall be had on the day aforesaid,
then the Board of County School Commissioners
shall appoint said trustees.