Change in
Secretary of the Board of County School Commis-
sioners. In those counties where no newspaper is
published, the notice of application for a change
of boundaries, shall be published in such a man-
ner as the Board of County School Commissioners
may decide. Whenever it may be necessary, the
Board of County School Commissioners shall em-
ploy a surveyor to aid the committee in the per-
formance of such duty ; and they shall allow each
member of the committee and the surveyor such
compensation for their services as may be just and
proper. The cost of dividing the county shall be
Cost of di-
diving county
into districts.
paid by the School Commissioners out of the school
fund of the county. If a county has already been
divided into school districts, and it may be neces-
sary to revise the same, the Board of County
School Commissioners shall have full power to
make such revision or alteration as may be neces-
sary to accommodate the population, and increase
the efficiency of the schools. A full description of
such changes and alterations shall also be made
and recorded as aforesaid.
Character of
Sec. 7. The Board of County School Commis-
sioners shall examine any change affecting the
moral character of any teacher within their coun-
ty, first giving the teacher reasonable notice of the
charge, and an opportunity to defend himself;
and if the charge be sustained shall annul the
May annul.
teacher's certificate granted in the county in
which he is teaching, by whomsoever granted,
and shall give notice thereof to the Principal of the
State Normal School. In all cases where the trus-
tees, from any cause, refuse or neglect to exercise
their functions and keep in operation the school
committed to their care, the Board of County
School Commissioners shall be vested with all the
rights of tfce district trustees, and shall take
charge of, and manage the school until trustees
are elected who will act, or until the incumbents
give assurance of a return to their duty.
Reports of
Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of each teacher to
report in tabular form the condition of his school
to the Board of County School Commissioners,
at each of its quarterly meetings. These reports
shall be filed and preserved by the Board, and
used by the President of the Board in making up