aforesaid shall refuse to comply with the provisions
of this section, the Board of County School Com-
missioners shall immediately apply to the Judge
of the Circuit Court for the writ of mandamus to
compel obedience hereto. Provided, nevertheless,
that the titles to all school-houses and lots and all
personal effects now held by the aforesaid school
authorities, shall pass to the said Boards of County
School Commissioners without any formal con-
Apply for
writ of man-
Sec. 2. The Board of County School Commis-
sioners shall have the general superintendence of
all the schools of the county, and of school-houses
and district libraries ; they shall pay the salaries
of the teachers of their counties, distribute the
school-books, and perform such other duties as may
hereafter be enumerated. The County Examiner
shall be the Secretary of the Board of County
School Commissioners and shall keep the minutes
of their proceedings.
Sec. 3. The Treasurer of the County Board shall
give bond to the State of Maryland, with at least
two sureties, to be approved by the Board of
County School Commissioners, in such penal sum.
as the Board of County School Commissioners
shall determine, with the condition that he will
faithfully perform the duties of Treasurer, pay
over and apply all monies that shall come to his
hands or care as Treasurer, to such persons and in
such manner as the said Board of County School
Commissioners may under the provisions of this
Act direct ; and that he will keep a full account
of all money received and paid by him, and of all
matters relating to the duties of his office, and
preserve the same, and all vouchers relating there-
to, and deliver up all books and vouchers relating
to his office to his successor.
Sec. 4. The State School Fund is primarily in-
tended, under this Act, to pay the salaries of the
teachers of the several counties, and to provide
school-books and stationery for the children of the
State. If, however, in apportioning the said State
School Fund among the different Counties and the
city of Baltimore, the share of any County should
prove inadequate for the purposes aforesaid, then
Pay salaries.