Tax assessa-
ble property.
the County Commissioners of such County are
hereby authorized, empowered, directed and re-
quired to levy and collect such a tax upon the
assessable property of such County as the Board
of County School Commissioners shall designate as
sufficient to make good the deficiency, and to pay
quarterly on the day fixed for the payment of the
State School Fund to the several Counties, the
amount so levied and collected over to the Treasurer
of the said Board of County School Commissioners,
in order that the schools of such counties may be
kept open for the time herein set forth, and said
tax shall be levied and collected as other taxes.
It shall also be in the power of the legal voters
of any county to decide at any election upon the
imposition of a tax for the erection and mainte-
nance of a County High School, or for any other
educational purpose affecting and concerning the
county generally ; said tax to be levied and col-
lected as aforesaid, and to be paid to the Treasurer
of the Board of County School Commissioners as
Sec. 5. For the purpose of ascertaining the sense
of the people of the county in regard to any pro-
position intended to effect public education in said
County, the Board of County School Commis-
sioners shall cause such proposition to be submit-
ted to the voters of said county at the general
election next ensuing ; provided said proposition
and notice of election be published in all the
newspapers of said county once a week for four
successive weeks next prior to the day of said
election ; and said Board of County School Com-
missioners shall cause to be printed and placed at
each poll in said county, on the day of said elec-
tion before the opening of said poll, a sufficient
number of ballots, having on them "For" or
Vote for or
"Against" the proposition in words accurately
describing the same. And the judges of the said
general election shall receive, deposit, count and
make returns of all the ballots cast, for and
against the proposition, to the Clerk of the Circuit
Court of said county, in the same manner and
subject to the same regulations as are provided by
law, in case of a general election for members of
the General Assembly. And said Clerk of the
Circuit Court shall return the same to the Board