SECTION 1, The Board of County School Com-
missioners shall be composed of one Commissioner
for each election district, to be elected by the peo-
ple thereof at each general election for members
of the General Assembly ; to serve for two years
from the first day of January next succeeding said
election, and until their successors shall qualify
and for the time intervening from the passage of
this Act until the first of January next succeeding
the next general election, said School Commis-
sioners shall be appointed by the County Commis-
sioners of the respective counties.
County Com-
SECTION 1. The schools under the charge of the
Boards of County School Commissioners for each
County, shall respectively be designated and con-
stitute school districts No. 1, No. 2, &c., of the
respective election districts of such county. The
County Board shall hold four sessions a year ;
each session shall continue not longer than two
days, and each Commissioner shall receive three .
dollars per day for each day of his attendance, and
shall be paid by the School Commissioners out of
the School Fund. All the property, estate, effects,
money, funds, claims and State donations now
vested by. law in the school authorities of any
county for the use and benefit of Public, Primary,
'Free or High Schools, are hereby transferred to
and vested in the Board of County School Com-
missioners and their successors in office. And it
shall be the duty of the school authorities afore-
said to convey, transfer, and pay over all such
property, estate and effects, money, funds, claims
and State donations to the said Board of County
School Commissioners. If. any of the parties