Sec. 48. And be it enacted, That to enable the said
Commissioners to equip and put into service the
Oyster Police Force, the sum of eight thousand
dollars, or so much thereof as may be deemed ne-
cessary, in addition to the sum of twenty-two thou-
sand dollars hereinbefore mentioned, be and the
same is hereby appropriated, which shall be paid
by the Treasurer, upon the requisition of said Com-
missioners and the warrant of the Comptroller.
Sec. 49. And be it enacted, That the Board of
Commissioners shall have power to keep the said
steamer and tender in suitable repair ; and the
Treasurer of the State, upon the requisition of said
Commissioners and the warrant of the Comptroller,
is hereby directed to pay the sum or sums neces-
sary to carry out the provisions of this section.
Sec. 50. And be it enacted. That the command-
ing officer of said force shall, before entering upon
the discharge of his duties, take before the Judge
of one of the Circuit Courts, the oath prescribed
by the Constitution, and shall enter into bond to
the State of Maryland in the sum of twenty thou-
sand dollars, to be approved by said Judge, for the
faithful performance of his duties, as prescribed in
this Article,
Sec. 51. And be it enacted, That all laws incon-
sistent with the provisions of this Act be and the
same are hereby repealed.
In force.
Sec. 52. And be it enacted, That this Act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 30, 1868.