Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That any person who
shall violate any of the provisions of the preceding
sections, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,
and upon indictment and conviction in any Cir-
cuit Court of this State, before whom such case is
tried, shall be fined not less than fifty nor more
than five hundred dollars, or forfeit the boat or
vessel in possession of the party so offending, to-
gether with the papers, furniture and tackle on
board of said boat or vessel at the time of her
seizure, in the discretion of such Justice of the
Peace or Court, but said provisions shall not ap-
ply to masters or owners of boats or vessels from
other States, who may buy oysters from any party
or parties authorized by license to catch or take
oysters in any of the waters of this State.
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That any resident oi
this State owning or having in his possession any
canoe, or other small boat, and desiring to take or
catch oysters with rakes or tongs in any of the
waters of this State, shall first obtain by applica-
tion to the Clerk of the Circuit Court for the
county wherein he may desire so to take or catch
oysters, a license therefor, and such license shall
have effect from first day of June in the year in
Time of li-
which it may be obtained, to the first day of June
next succeeding ; provided, that such license shall
not authorize the taking or catching of oysters in
any creek, river, cove, inlet, bay or sound, within
the limits of any county other than where the li-
cense may be granted.
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That each and every
license to take or catch oysters with rakes or
tongs, shall state the name and residence of the
person to whom the same is to be granted, the
name or number, together with the length of the
canoe, (said length to be obtained by top or over-
all measurement,) or other boat to be licensed
and the county in which the same is to be used,
and the period at which said license will expire,
and every applicant for such license shall pay to
the Clerk of the Court, where such license may be
granted, and before the issuing and delivery of the
same according to the following rates, viz : For
every boat or canoe measuring in length twenty
feet or less, the sum of four dollars ; measuring
Size of