from twenty to twenty-five feet, the sum of six
dollars ; measuring from twenty-five to thirty feet,
the sum of eight dollars, and all over thirty feet
in len'gth, including sloops under Custom House
tonnage, the sum of ten dollars each.
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That every applicant
for license to take or catch oysters with rakes or
tongs, shall be required to make oath before the
Clerk authorized to issue the same, or some Jus-
tice of the Peace, upon whose certificate of the
taking of such oath the Clerk shall issue said li-
cense, that the facts set forth in said license are
strictly true ; that he is a bona fide resident of the
county in which such application is made, and
that he will obey and comply with all the provi-
sions of the laws of this State regulating the
taking or catching of oysters ; and every person
to whom such license may be granted, shall be re-
quired to paint the name or number of his canoe
or other boat on said boat, to correspond with said
Name or
number, or name, in said license ; and any person
neglecting or refusing to comply with this provi-
sion, shall, on conviction thereof before a Justice
of the Peace, pay a fine of not less than five dol-
lars, nor more than ten dollars, one-half to be paid
to the informer, and the residue to the Comptrol-
ler of the Treasury.
Blank license.
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That- the Comptrol-
ler of the Treasury shall cause to be printed and
delivered to the Clerks of the Circuit Courts for
the several counties, and the Clerk of the Court of
Common Pleas of Baltimore city, the requisite
number of such blank licenses, and take receipts
for the same as for other licenses furnished, and
the said Clerks shall, on the first Monday in
March, June, September and December in each
year, return to the said Comptroller a list and
account of such licenses issued by them.
Sec. 11. And be it enacted , That if any person
shall take or catch oysters with rakes or" tongs in
any waters of this State without having first ob-
tained license as required by the preceding sections
of this law, except oysters taken for private use,
he shall upon conviction thereof before any Jus-
tice of the Peace for the county where the offense
may be committed, be fined not less than twenty