Custom House of the United States, in said State,
issue to such resident license to catch or take
oysters with scoop, drag, scrape, dredge or any
other instrument, within the waters of the Chesa-
peake Bay, and to buy and sell oysters in the
State, provided, that said license shall not autho-
rize the taking or catching of oysters with scoop,
scrape, drag or dredge between the first day of
Time to catch.
June and September in each year, which is hereby
expressly forbidden ; and provided also, that no
steamboat or other vessel propelled by steam ma-
chinery, shall be used for taking or catching oys-
ters in any of the waters of this State.
Must be resi-
dent of State.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That no license shall
be issued to any person who has not been a resi-
dent of the State for twelve months next preced-
ing such application, and the owner, or owners,
and masters of such vessel when making applica-
tion for such license, shall each make oath before
the Comptroller or his authorized clerk that they
are bona fide owner and master of the boat or ves-
sel to be described in the license for which they are
applicants ; that they have been residents of this
State for the time hereinbefore mentioned, and
that there is no lien on such vessel held by a non-
resident, and such applicant shall produce before
said Comptroller or his authorized clerk, the Cus-
tom House enrollment or license of such boat or
vessel, under such rules and regulations as the
said Comptroller may have previously prescribed.
Rate of
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That every applicant
before obtaining such license shall pay the Comp-
troller or his authorized clerk therefor, at the rate
of three dollars per ton for every ton the boat or
vessel for which he desires license, may measure
according to its Custom House enrollment or li-
cense ; and it shall be the duty of every person
thus obtaining license to exhibit the same when-
ever called upon by any officer of the State of
Maryland or other person authorized to demand
the same ; and every boat or vessel engaged in the
oyster trade in any of the waters of this State,
shall be licensed as required by law and be sub-
ject to all the provisions of the several sections of
this Article.