Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the President
and Directors of the Merchants' and Miners'
Transportation Company may receive subscriptions
to the additional capital of the said Company
hereby authorized, in shares of one hundred dol-
la,rs each, and may receive from the present stock-
holders of the said Company such additional sub-
scriptions of stock as they or any of them may
make, and may also open books in Baltimore or
elsewhere as they may direct, for the purpose of
receiving subscriptions for such shares as the pre-
sent stockholders may not take, and keep them
open as long as they may deem it proper.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That if any subscriber
to the additional shares of stock hereby authorized
to be received, shall refuse or neglect to pay the
installments as they become due according to the
terms of the said subscription, which terms the
said President and Directors are authorized to fix,
then it shall be lawful to forfeit the said stock and
all payments made therefor, or to hold the original
subscriber liable for the full amount due on his
stock according to the terms of the said subscrip-
tion, as the President and Directors may deem
best, and the said President and Directors may
take new subscriptions for such stock as may here-
after be forfeited.
In force and
Sec. 4, And be it enacted, That this Act of As-
sembly shall take effect from and immediately
after its passage, and the General Assembly re-
serves the right to alter, amend or repeal this Act
at pleasure.
Approved March 17, 1868.