Host, R. W. Loney, Theodore Constance, Edward
Stiefel, Robt. S. Coirse, A. G. Shaeffer, Robt.
Little, Wm. Chester, George Platt, Chas. Fisher,
and all and every person or persons who are or
shall become members of said Monumental Savings
Institution in the manner hereinafter mentioned,
shall be, and are hereby created and made a body
corporate by the name and style of .the Monu-
mental Savings Institution, which Institution
shall always be located in Baltimore city, and by
that name shall have succession and be capable in
law to hold and dispose of property, to sue and be
sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and defend,
and be answered and defended in courts of law
and equity, and in any other place ; to receive
and make all deeds, transfers, contracts, covenants,
conveyances and grants whatsoever ; to make,
have and use a common seal, and the same to
change and renew at pleasure, and generally to
do every other actor thing necessary to carry into
effect the provisions of this Act, or to promote the
objects or designs of said corporation.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That there shall be
a meeting of the members of said corporation on
such day in the month of March, eighteen hundred
and sixty-eight, and at such place as the persons
first above named, or a majority of them, shall
appoint, of which meeting they shall give at kast
ten days notice by advertisement in the public
newspapers printed and published in Baltimore
city, and on such a day in the month of March
anriually thereafter, and at such place as the by-
laws of said corporation shall provide, for the
purpose of choosing from among the members
twelve Directors to manage the affairs of the said
corporation for one year thereafter, and until a
new election of Directors shall take place ; and
the members first above named, or a majority of
them, shall be the Judges of the first election of
Directors, and the Judges of all subsequent elec-
tions shall be appointed and the notice of such
elections given, and the same shall be conducted
in such manner as the by-laws shall prescribe.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted. That the Directors
for the time being, or a majority of them, shall
have power to elect a President from their own