We also respectfully request the presence of your Honora-
ble Body in the Senate Chamber, this day at 2 o'clock, P. M.
to witness the inauguration of the Governor elect of Mary-
By order,
On motion by Mr. Hammond,
It was ordered and adopted,
That a committee composed of one Senator, proceed
at once to the examination of the committee clerks, and
that the Hon. Jas. T. Earle constitute the committee, as
author of the original order.
On motion by Mr. Clarke,
The Senate adjourned until 1.55 P. M., in order to give
the committee of arrangements an opportunity of preparing
the Chamber for the inauguration of the Governor elect.
At 1.55 P. M. the Senate met pursuant to adjournment.
The hour of two o'clock, P. M., having arrived, the Hon.
Oden Bowie, the Grovernoa elect, accompanied by his Excel-
lency, Governor Swann and the respective committees of
the Senate and House of Delegates, appeared in the Senate
Chamber and took the seats assigned them.
The Hon., the Speaker, and members of the House of
Delegates appeared, whereupon the Governor elect arose and
delivered an address in the presence of the General Assembly,
the Honorable Judges of the Court of Appeals, and a large
concourse of citizens, when the oath of office was adminis-
tered to the Governor elect by the Hon. James L. Bartol,
Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals, agreeably to the
The Honorable Speaker and members of the House of
Delegates, Governor Swann, and the Honorable Governor
Bowie having retired,
On motion by Mr. Clarke,
The Senate adjourned until to-morrow 12 o'clock.