more city, Harford county, Cecil county, Kent county, Caro-
line county, Queen Anne's county, Talbot county, Dorches-
ter county, Somerset county, Worcester county, and Wicom-
ico county, which said ballots he shall fold carefully, each
to itself, and place them thus folded in a ballot-box. The
Secretary shall then prepare twenty-five other ballots,
alike in form and size and character of paper, as hereinbefore
prescribed, and on twelve of these he shall inscribe the fig-
ure two, (2) and on the remaining thirteen the figure four,
(4,) then fold each to itself, and place these twenty-five bal-
lots, thus folded, in another ballot-box.
The boxes being thus prepared, the President of the Sen-
ate shall appoint two tellers, one of whom shall draw forth,
one at a time, the ballots, having inscribed on them the
names of the counties and legislative districts of the city of
Baltimore, unfold and call over the names of the same ;
the other teller, as the counties and legislative districts of
the city of Baltimore are called over, shall thereupon,
correspondingly, draw forth the ballots, one at a time, from
the other ballot-box, unfold and call over the figure inscribed
thereon, and if the same be figure two (2), the seat of the
Senator from the county or legislative district of the city of
Baltimore, as the case may be, so as aforesaid correspond-
ingly called, shall he vacated at the expiration of two years;
but if the same be figure four (4), the seat of the Senator
from said county or legislative district of the aforesaid city,
shall not he vacated until the expiration of four years from
the Tuesday next after the first Monday in the month
of November, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven.
On motion by Mr. Hammond the Senate went into
Executive session.
After remaining in Executive session a short time the
Senate resumed its usual business.
A petition was introduced by Mr. Denson for the payment
of fifty dollars by the State to James Enson.
Referred to the Committee on Finance.
(See Document F.)
The President announced the Committee on Rules :
Messrs. Miller, Snyder, Henkle, Hammond, Welch.
Mr. Hyland asked leave to introduce a bill for the relief of
Benjamin Frost, alias Waters.
Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Mr Hammond offered the following order :
Ordered, That the Comptroller be requested to furnish to
the Senate the number of licenses granted to canoes, and the
number granted to dredgers, as well as the revenue accruing
to the State therefrom.
Which was adopted.