full compensation to the master for the property of which he
shall be thereby deprived.
1794, ch. 49. — Every person being a member of either of the
religious sects or societies called Quakers, Menonists, Tunkers
or Nicolites, or New Quakers, and who shall be conscientiously
scrupulous of taking an oath on any occasion, being otherwise
qualified and duly elected a senator, delegate, * * * * *
* * or being otherwise qualified and duly appointed or
elected to any office of profit or trust, on making affirmation
instead of taking the several oaths appointed by the constitu-
tion and form of government, and the several acts of assembly
of this state, now in force, or that hereafter may be made, such
person may hold and exercise, any office of profit or trust to
which he may be appointed or elected, and may, by such
affirmation, qualify himself to take a seat in the legislature,
and to act therein as a member of the same in all cases what-
ever, ******** in as full and ample a
manner, to all intents and purposes whatever, as persons are
now competent and qualified to act who are not conscientiously
scrupulous of taking such oaths.
&c. affirm-
ing, may
hold offices,
1T97, ch. 118. — SEC. 2. The people called Quakers, those
called Nicolites or New Quakers, those called Tunkers, and
those called Menonists, holding it unlawful to take an oath on
any occasion, shall be allowed to make their solemn affirmation
as witnesses, in the manner that Quakers have been heretofore
allowed to affirm, which affirmation shall be of the same avail
as an oath, to all intents and purposes whatever.
allowed to
affirm, &c.
SEC. 3. That before any of the persons aforesaid shall be
admittled as a witness in any court of justice in this state, the
court shall be satisfied, by such testimony as they may require,
that such person is one of those who profess to be conscien-
tiously scrupulous of taking an oath.
Coast to be
first satis-
fied, &c,
1817, ch. 61. — SEC. I. All persons professing the Christian
religion, who hold it unlawful to take an oath on any occasion,
shall be allowed to make their solemn affirmation, in the same
manner that Quakers have heretofore been allowed to affirm,
which affirmation shall be of the same avail as an oath to all
intents and purposes whatever.
Persons in
eases al-
lowed to
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That before any such person
shall be admitted as a witness or juror in any court of justice
in this state, the court shall be satisfied, by competent testi-
mony, that such person is couscienlously scrupulous of taking
an oath.
Court to be
that person
is conscien-