by Jews.
1824, ch. 205.— SEC. 1. Every citizen of this state professing
the Jewish religion, and who shall hereafter be appointed to any
office or public trust under the state of Maryland, shall in addi-
tion to the oaths required to be taken by the constitution and
laws of the state, or of the United States, make and subscribe
a declaration of his belief in a future state of rewards and pun-
ishments, in the stead of the declaration now required by the
constitution and form of government of this state.
Every free
white male
above 21
years of
age, &c.
to vole.
1809, ch. 83. — SEC. 1. Every free white male citizen of this
state, above twenty-one years of age, and no other, having re-
sided twelve months within this state and six months in the
county, or in the city of Annapolis or Baltimore, next preced-
ing the election at which he offers to vote, shall have a right of
suffrage, and shall vote, by ballot, in the election of such county
or city, or either of them, for electors of the president and vice-
president of the United States, for representatives of this state in
the congress of the United States, for delegates to the general
assembly of this state, ***** and sheriffs.
No tax to
be imposed
for the sup-
port of
1809, ch. 167.— SEC. 1. It shall not be lawful for the general
assembly of this state to lay an equal and general tax, or any
other tax, on the people of this state, for the support of any
grants, &c.
1834, ch. 219. — SEC. 1. After the expiration of existing lottery
grants, the legislature of Maryland shall not pass any law au-
thorizing the drawing of any lottery, or the traffic or dealing in
lottery tickets, or schemes or devices in the nature of lotteries,
or the distribution of money or property by chance.
to nominate
and by ad-
vice of the
1836, ch. 224. — SEC. 1. From and after the confirmation of
this act the governor shall nominate, and by and with the advice
and consent of the senate, shall appoint the clerics of the several
county courts, the clerk of the court of appeals for the western
shore, the clerk of the court of appeals for the eastern shore, the
clerk of Baltimore city court, the register of the high court of
chancery, and the registers of wills throughout the state, and that
the persons so appointed shall continue in office for and during
Term seven
the term of seven years, from the date of their respective ap-
pointments; Provided nevertheless, that the persons who shall