suits may be
removed to
county in
the district
either of the parties thereto, supported by affidavit, or other
proper evidence, that a fair and impartial trial cannot be had in
the county court of the county where such suit or action is
depending, shall and may order and direct the record of their
proceedings in such suit or action to be transmitted to the
judges of any county court within the district for trial, and the
judges of such county court, to whom the said record shall be
transmitted, shall hear and determine the same in like manner
as if such suit or action had been originally instituted therein ;
Provided nevertheless, that such suggestion shall be made as
aforesaid before or during the term in which the issue or issues
may be joined in said suit or action; And provided also, that
such further remedy may be provided by law in the premises
as the legislature shall from time to time direct and enact.
ments may
be removed
to an ad-
SEC. 3. That if any party presented or indicted in any
of the county courts of this state, shall suggest, in writing,
to the court in which such prosecution is depending, that a
fair and impartial trial cannot be had in such court, it shall
and may be lawful for the said court to order and direct the
record of their proceedings in the said prosecution to be trans-
mitted to the judges of any adjoining county court for trial,
and the judges of such adjoining county court shall hear and
determine the same in the same manner as if such prosecution
had been originally instituted therein ; Provided, that such
further and other remedy may be provided by law in the pre-
mises as the legislature may direct and enact.
State may
remove trial
to adjoining
SEC. 4. That if the attorney-general, or the prosecutor for
the state, shall suggest, in writing, to any county court before
whom an indictment is or may be depending, that the state
cannot have a fair and impartial trial in such court, it shall
and may be lawful for the said court in their discretion, to
order and direct the record of their proceedings in the said
prosecution to be transmitted to the judges of any adjoining
county court for trial, and the judges of such county court
shall hear and determine the same as if such prosecution had
been originally instituted therein.
Relation of
master and
1836, cA. 197.— SEC. 26. That the relation of master and
slave, in this state, shall not be abolished unless a bill so to
abolish the same shall be passed by a unanimous vote of the
members of each branch of the general assembly, and shall be
published at least three months before a new election of dele-
gates, and shall be confirmed by a unanimous vote of the mem-
bers of each branch of the general assembly, at the next regular
constitutional session after such new election, nor then, without