cute the said office for the residue of the said three years, the
said person giving bond and security as aforesaid. The elec-
tion shall be held in separate districts as appointed for the elec-
tion of delegates ; and all matters relating to the judges, place,
time and manner, of holding the elections for sheriffs of the
several counties, shall hereafter be regulated by law. Every
free white male citizen of this state, above twenty-one years of
age, and no other, having resided twelve months within this
state, and six months in the county, or in the city of Annapolis
or Baltimore, next preceding the election at which he offers to
vote, shall have a right of suffrage, and shall vote, by ballot, in
the election of such county or city, or either of them, for
sheriffs. No person to be eligible to the office of sheriff for a
county, but an inhabitant of the said county above the age of
twenty-one years.
ART. 43. That every person who shall offer to vote for dele-
(if required by any three persons qualified to vote,) before he be
admitted to poll, take such oath, or affirmation, of support and
fidelity to this state, as this convention or the legislature shall
offering to
vote shall
if required
take sueh
oath as the
may direct.
ART. 44. That a justice of the peace may be eligible as a
to act as a justice of the peace.
Justice of
the peace
may be eli-
ART. 46. That all civil officers hereafter to be appointed for
the several counties of this state, shall have been residents of
the county respectively for which they shall be appointed six
months next before their appointment, and shall continue re-
sidents of their county respectively during their continuance in
requisite for
civil officers
ART. 49. That all civil officers of the appointment of the go-
vernor * * * who do not hold commissions during good
behaviour, shall be appointed annually in the third week* of
* * * but if any of them shall be re-appointed they may
continue to act without any new commission or qualification ;
and every officer, though not re-appointed, shall continue to act
until the person who shall be appointed and commissioned in
his stead shall be qualified.
Time of
ment for
civil officers
ART. 51. That there be two registers of the land office, one
upon the western, and one upon the eastern shore; that short
extracts of the grants and certificates of the land on the western
and eastern shores respectively, be made in separate books, at
the public expense, and deposited in the offices of the said re-
gisters, in such manner as shall hereafter be provided by the
general assembly.
* Appointments to be made in third week of January. 1823, ch. III, sec. 3.
of land