Oath prohi-
biting the
receipt of
the profits
of any other
ART. 52, That every chancellor, judge, register of will,
of the land office, register of the chancery court, and every clerk
of the common law courts, surveyor, and auditor of public ac-
counts, before he acts as such, shall take an oath, or affirmation,
that he will not, directly or indirectly, receive any fee or reward
for doing his office of —— , but what is or shall be allowed by
law, nor will, directly or indirectly, receive the profits, or any
part of the profits, of any office held by any other person, and
that he does not hold the same office in trust or for the benefit
of any other person.
fur violation
of preceding
ART. 63. That if any governor, chancellor, judge, register of
wills, register of the land office, commissioner of the loan office,
register of the chancery court, or any clerk of the common law
courts, treasurer, uaval officer, sheriff, surveyor, or auditor of
public accounts, shall receive, directly or indirectly, at any
time, the profits, or any part of the profits, of any office held by
any other person during his acting in the office to which he is
appointed, his election, appointment and commission, on con-
viction in a court of law by the oath, or affirmation, of two
credible witnesses, shall be void, and he shall suffer the punish-
ment for wilful and corrupt perjury, or be banished this state
for ever, or disqualified for ever from holding any office or place
of trust or profit, as the court may adjudge.
for giving
any bribe,
&c. to ob-
tain a vote
to be gover-
nor, &c. or
to any office
of profit or
trust, and
the penalty
ART. 54. That if any person shall give any bribe, present or
reward, or any promise, or any security for the payment or deli-
very of any money, or any other thing, to obtain or procure a
vote to be governor, senator, delegate to congress or assembly,
the said offices, or to any office of profit or trust, now created, or
hereafter to be created, in this state, the person giving, and the
person receiving the same, on conviction in a court of law, shall
be for ever disqualified to hold any office of trust or profit in
this state,
Court of
appeals es-
ART, 56. That there shall be a court of appeals, composed
of persons of integrity, and sound judgment in the law, whose
judgment shall be final and conclusive in all cases of appeal
from the county courts, court of chancery, and court of admi-
ralty, and the same shall be composed of the chief judges of
the several judicial districts of the state, which said court of
appeals, shall hold, use and exercise, all and singular the pow-
ers, authorities and jurisdictions, heretofore held, used and
exercised, by the court of appeals of this state, and also the
appellate jurisdiction heretofore used and exercised by the gene-