Oath pre-
1822, ch. 204. — SEC. 1. That every member of the senate and
house of delegates, before he shall act as such, shall take and
subscribe the following oath or affirmation, to wit: I, A. B. do
swear, (or affirm, as the case may be,) that I will be faithful and
bear true allegiance to the state of Maryland, and that I will
support the constitution and laws thereof; that I will not di-
rectly or indirectly receive the profits, or any part of the profits
of any other office during the time of my acting as senator (or
member of the house of delegates) and that I will faithfully dis-
charge my duty as senator (or member of the house of delegates)
without prejudice or partiality, to the best of my skill and judg-
ment. And that ******* all executive and
judicial officers, before they act as such, and all persons elected
or appointed to any office of profit or trust, civil or military,
before entering upon the duties thereof, shall respectively take
and subscribe the following oath or affirmation, to wit: 1, A. B.
do swear, (or affirm, as the case may be,) that I will be faithful
and bear true allegiance to the state of Maryland, and that I
will support the constitution and laws thereof, and that I will
to the best of my skill and judgment, diligently and faithfully,
without partiality or prejudice, execute the office of ———— ac-
cording to the constitution and laws of this state.
Tenure of
office of
and regis-
ters of land
ART. 40. That the chancellor, the registers of the land office,
* * * * shall hold their commissions during good beha-
viour, removable only for misbehaviour on conviction in a court
of law.
Election of
ART. 42. That sheriffs shall be elected in each county, by bal-
lot, every third year; that is to say, two persons for the office of
sheriff for each county, the one of whom having the majority
of votes, or if both have an equal number, either of them, at
the discretion of the governor, to be commissioned by the go-
vernor for the said office ; and having served for three yeais,
such person shall be ineligible for the four years next succeed-
ing. Bond with security to be taken every year as usual ; and
no sheriff shall be qualified to act before the same is given. la
case of death, refusal, resignation, disqualification, or removal
out of the county, before the expiration of the three years, the
other person chosen as aforesaid shall be commissioned by the
governor to execute the said office for the residue of the said
three years, the said person giving bond, with security, as afore-
said ; and in case of his death, refusal, resignation, disqualifica-
tion, or removal out of the county, before the expiration of the
said three years, the governor, *********
may nominate and commission a fit and proper person to exe-