by any other person, during the time for which he shall be
elected; nor shall any governor be capable of holding any
other office of profit during the time for which he shall be
elected. And no person holding a place of profit, or receiving
any part of the profits thereof, or receiving the profits, or any
part of the profits, arising on any agency for supply of cloth-
ing or provisions for the army or navy, or holding any office
under the United States, or any of them, or a minister or
preacher of the gospel of any denomination, or any person
employed in the regular land service or marine of this or the
United States, shall have a seat in the general assembly
* * * * Of this state. And no member of congress, or
person holding ati office of trust or profit under the United
States, shall be capable of having a seat in the general assem-
bly, or holding any office of trust or profit under this state.
or receiving
the profits
of any office
held by
And if any member of the general assembly, or person holding
an office of trust or profit under this state, shall take his seat in
congress, or accept of an office of trust or profit under the Uni-
ted States, or, being elected to congress, or appointed to an
office of trust or profit under the United States, not make his
resignation of his seat in congress, or of his office, as the case
may be, within thirty days after notice of his election or ap-
pointment to office as aforesaid, his seat in the legislature of
this state, or of his office held under this state as aforesaid,
shall be void.
Office va-
cated upon
the accept-
ance of an
ment from
the general
ART. 39. That if any senator, delegate to assembly, * * *
* * * shall hold or execute any office of profit, or receive,
directly or indirectly, at any time, the profits, or any part of
the profits, of any office exercised by any other person, during
his seat, on conviction in a court of law, by the oath, or
affirmation, of two credible witnesses, shall be void, and he
shall suffer the punishment for wilful and corrupt perjury, or
be banished this state for ever, or disqualified for ever from
holding any office or place of trust or profit, as the court may
for violation
of provision
1832, ch. 260. — No post-master or his deputies, no marshal,
his deputy or deputies, shall hold any office under the govern-
ment of this state, or exercise any of the functions of any office
which he now has or may hereafter receive from the executive
of this state, after the first day of May next, under the penalty
of fifty dollars for every such offence, to be recovered by indict-
ment and fine in any court of law, or in any county court in
this state, where the offence may be committed or the penalty
or deputy
to hold