who shall discharge such duties, and receive such compensa-
tion, as shall be prescribed by law.
SEC. 18. That in case a vacancy shall occur in the office of
governor at any time after this act shall go into operation, the
general assembly, if in session, or if in the recess, at their next
In case of a
vacancy of
session, shall proceed to elect by joint ballot of the two houses,
some person, being a qualified resident of the gubernatorial
district from which the governor for said term is to be taken,
to be governor for the residue of said term in place of the
person originally chosen ; and in every case of vacancy until
the election and qualification of the person succeeding, the
The legisla-
ture to
elect by
joint ballot.
secretary of state, by virtue of his said office, shall be clothed,
ad interim, with the executive powers of government; and
in case there shall be no secretary of state, or in case he
shall refuse to act, remove from the state, die, resign, or be re-
moved for cause, the person filling the office of president of
the senate shall by virtue of his said office, be clothed, ad
interim, with the executive powers of government; and in case
there shall be no president of the senate, or in case he shall
refuse to act, remove from the state, die, resign, or be removed
for cause, the person filling the office of speaker of the house
of delegates shall, by virtue of his said office, be clothed, ad
interim, with the executive powers of government.
of state
ad interim;
if he dies,
&c. then the
president of
senate; and
if he dies
then tho
speaker of
the H. of
SEC. 19. That the term of office of the governor, who shall
be chosen on the first Monday of January next, shall continue
for the term of one year, and until the election and qualification
of a successor, to be chosen as herein after mentioned.
Term of
chosen 1833
SEC. 20. That at the time and places of holding the elections
in the several counties of this state, and in the city of Balti-
more, for delegates to the general assembly for the December
session of the year eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, and
before the same judges by whom the election for delegates
shall be held, and in every third year for ever thereafter, an
Election of
election shall also be held for a governor of this state, whose
term of office shall commence on the first Monday of January
next ensuing the day of such election, and continue for three
years, and until the election and qualification of a successor; at
Term of
which said election every person qualified to vote for delegates
to the general assembly, at the place at which he shall offer to
vote, shall be entitled to vote for governor, and the person voted
tion of
for as governor shall possess the qualifications now required by
the constitution and form of government, and the additional qua-
lification of being at least thirty years of age, and of being and
of having been for at least three whole years before, a resident
cation of
within the limits of the gubernatorial district from which the
governor is to be taken at such election, according to the priori-
ty which shall be determined as herein after mentioned, that is
His resi-