rial district.
E. district.
to say, the state shall be, and the same is hereby divided into
three gubernatorial districts, as follows: the counties of Cecil,
Kent, Queen Anne's, Caroline, Talbot, Dorchester, Somerset
and Worcester shall together compose one district, and until
its number shall be determined as herein after provided, shall
S. district.
be known as the eastern district; the counties of Saint Mary's,
Charles, Calvert, Prince George's, Anne Arundel, inclusive of
the city of Annapolis, Montgomery, and Baltimore city, shall
together compose one district, and until its number shall be
determined as herein after provided, shall be known as the
N. W. dis-
southern district ; Baltimore, Harford, Carroll, Frederick,
Washington and Alleghany counties, shall together compose
one district, and until its number shall be determined as herein
after provided, shall be known as the north-western district;
Method of
the districts
and for the purpose of determining the respective numbers and
order of priority of said districts in the same session iti which
this act shall be confirmed, if the same shall be confirmed, as
herein after mentioned, and on some day to be fixed by con-
currence of the two branches, the speaker of the house of dele-
gates shall present to the president of the senate, in the senate
chamber, a box containing three ballots of similar size and ap-
pearance and on which shall severally be written, eastern dis-
trict, southern district, north-western district, and the president
of the senate shall thereupon draw from said box the said
several ballots in succession, and the district, the name of
which shall be written on the ballot first drawn, shall thence-
forth be distinguished as the first gubernatorial district, and the
person to be chosen governor at the election first to be held un-
der the provisions of this section , and the person to be chosen
at every succeeding third election for governor forever there-
after, shall be taken from the said first district ; and the district,
the name of which shall be written on the ballot secondly
drawn, shall thenceforth be distinguished as the second guber-
natorial district, and the person to be chosen governor at the
second election to be held under the provisions of this section,
and the person to be chosen at every succeeding third election
for governor forever thereafter, shall be taken from the said
second district, and the district, the name of which shall be
written on the ballot thirdly drawn, shall thenceforth be dis-
tinguished as the third gubernatorial district, and the person
to be chosen governor at the third election to be held under
the provisions of this section, and the person to be chosen at
every succeeding third election forever thereafter, shall be taken
from the said third district; and the result of such drawing shall
be entered on the journal of the senate, and be reported by the
speaker of the house of delegates on his return to that body
and be entered on the journal thereof, and shall be certified by