SEC. 13. That so much of the constitution and form of
government, as relates to the council to the governor, and to
the clerk of the council, be abrogated, abolished and annulled,
and that the whole executive power of the government of this
state, shall be vested exclusively in the governor, subject never-
theless to the checks, limitations and provisions herein after
specified and mentioned.
Governor to
and appoint
with the
advice of
the senate.
SEC. 14. That the governor shall nominate, and by and with
the advice and consent of the senate, shall appoint all officers
of the state whose offices are or may be created by law, and
whose appointment shall not be otherwise provided for by the
constitution and form of government, or by any laws consistent
not to be
affected by
this altera-
with the constitution and form of government ; Provided, that
this act shall not be deemed or construed to impair in any
manner, the validity of the commissions of such persons as
shall be in office under previous executive appointment when
this act shall go into operation, or alter, abridge, or change, the
tenure, quality, or duration of the same, or of any of them.
ment in
case of
To expire,
SEC. 15. That the governor shall have power to fill any
vacancy that may occur in any such offices during the recess of
the senate, by granting commissions which shall expire upon
the appointment of the same person, or any other person, by
and with the advice and consent of the senate to the same
office, or at the expiration of one calendar month, ensuing the
commencement of the next regular session of the senate,
whichever shall first occur.
Not to be
ted after
unless, &c.
SEC. 16. That the same person, shall in no case be nomi-
nated by the governor, a second time during the same session,
for the same office, in case he shall have been rejected by the
senate, unless after such rejection, the senate shall inform the
governor by message, of their willingness to receive again the
nomination of such rejected person, for further consideration,
and in case any person nominated by the governor for any
office, shall have been rejected by the senate, it shall not be
lawful for the governor at any time afterwards, during the
recess of the senate, in case of vacancy in the same office, to
appoint such rejected person to fill said vacancy.
annually to
appoint a
secretary of
SEC. 17. That it shall be the duty of the governor, within
the period of one calendar month next after this act shall go
into operation, and in the same session in which the same
shall be confirmed, if it be confirmed, and annually thereafter
during the regular session of the senate, and on such parti-
cular day, if any, or within such particular period as may be
prescribed by law, to nominate, and by and with the advice
His duties,
and consent of the senate, to appoint a secretary of state, who
shall hold his office until a successor shall be appointed, and