the least, excluding the day of notice and the day of election,
shall be given.
ART. 20. That not less than a majority of the senate, with
their president, (to be chosen by them by ballot,) shall consti-
tute a house for the transacting any business other than that
of adjourning.
ART. 21. That the senate shall judge of the elections and
qualification of senators.
ART. 22. That the senate may originate any other except mo-
ney bills, to which their assent or dissent only shall be given,
and may receive any other bills from the house of delegates,
and assent, dissent, or propose amendments.
ART. 24. That each house shall appoint it own officers, and
settle its own rules of proceeding.
ART. 29. That the senate and delegates may adjourn them-
selves respectively, but if the two houses should not agree on
the same time, but adjourn to different days, then shall the
governor appoint and notify one of those days, or some day be-
tween, and the assembly shall then meet and be held accord-
ingly; and he shall, if necessary, ****** call
them before the time to which they shall in any manner be
adjourned, on giving not less than ten days notice thereof; but
the governor shall not adjourn the assembly otherwise than as
aforesaid, nor prorogue or dissolve it at any time.
Notice to
be given of
the time of
the election.
1823, ch. 111. — SEC. 1. The time of the meeting of the gene-
ral assembly of this state, shall be on the last Monday of Decem-
ber, in each year, instead of the first Monday of said month, as
is now prescribed by the constitution and form of government.
Time of
SEC. 3. That all annual appointments of civil officers in this
state shall be made in the third week in January, in every
year, in the same manner as the constitution and form of
government now directs.
Time of
making ap-
1836, ch. 197. — SEC. 7. That so much of the thirty-seventh
article of the constitution as provides that no senator or dele-
gate to the general assembly, if he shall qualify as such, shall
hold or execute any office of profit during the time for which he
shall be elected, shall be and the same is hereby repealed.
SEC. 8. That no senator or delegate to the general assembly,
shall during the time for which he was elected, be appointed
to any civil office under the constitution and laws of this state,
which shall have been created, or the emoluments thereof shall
have been increased during such time; and no senator or dele-
gale, during the time he shall continue to act as such, shall
be eligible to any civil office whatever.
to hold any
civil office,