rest whatever, in any lottery or lotteries, or other device or game
of chance, or in any prize or interest that may be dependent on
the drawing or determination thereof, which shall have been
expressly granted by this state, and approved of by the lottery
commissioners, or which shall be proposed by the said commis-
sioners on behalf of this state, unless such person or persons
shall be duly licensed to sell, vend, barter or otherwise trade,
in tickets of lotteries granted and approved as aforesaid, and
also to the end that no person or persons within this state shall
sell, vend, barter, assure, give, furnish, supply, procure, notify
or register, any ticket or tickets, in any lottery or lotteries, or
other device or game of chance, or any certificate, writing or
token, of any interest whatsoever in any lottery or lotteries, or
other device or game of chance, or in any prize or interest that
may be dependent on the drawing or determination thereof, and
which shall not have been expressly granted by this state, and
approved of by the lottery commissioners, or which shall not
have been proposed by the said commissioners on behalf of this
state, it shall be, and hereby is made the duty of every county
court of this state, and of Baltimore city court, for the repress-
ing and preventing such forbidden notifications, sales and traf-
ficking, to construe every part of this act, and of every other
act relative to lotteries, and the sale of lottery tickets within
this state, largely and strongly against all persons who shall
offend against the true meaning or intents thereof, directly or
indirectly, by any shift or device, or by any deceitful ways or
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That if the lottery commissioners
shall suggest, in writing, to the city court of Baltimore, or to
any county court, before whom any suit or action at law, or any
indictment under this act, or any other act relative to lotteries,
or the sale of lottery tickets within this state, is or may be de-
pending, that the state cannot have a fair and impartial trial in
such court, it shall and may be lawful for the said court, in
their discretion, to order and direct the record of their proceed-
ings in the said suit, action or indictment, to be transmitted to
the judges of any adjoining county court for trial, and the
judges of such county court shall hear and determine the same
as if such suit, action or prosecution, had been originally insti-
tuted therein ; and the said courts shall respectively hear and
determine every suit, action or prosecution, that shall hereafter
be instituted therein, on behalf of this state, under this act, or
any other act relative to lotteries, or the sale of lottery tickets
within this state, at the first term of such court which shall be
or happen after the institution of any such suit, action or pro-
secution, unless to the court having jurisdiction of such suit,
On sugges-
tion to
court that
state can-
not have a
fair trial,
to be tram-
mi tied to
county, &c.