penalty for
offering for
sale any ar-
ticles of
goods, &c
articles, money or goods of any sort, or any chose in action, or
any lands, or tenements, or hereditaments, or any interest
therein, or in any personal or real property whatsoever, to be
determined by lot, chance, or the drawing of any lottery, within
or without this state; or shall sell or procure to be sold, or shall
furnish, or procure to be furnished in any manner whatsoever,
any claim, share, portion, policy, order, or interest of any kind
whatsoever, in any such property so offered for sale or disposi-
tion, to or for any other person or persons, such person or per-
sons shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on convic-
tion thereof shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred
dollars, or to imprisonment not exceeding one year, in the discre-
tion of the court, for every such offence : Provided, that no sale
or disposition of any ticket or tickets in any lottery expressly
granted by this state, and approved of by the lottery commis-
sioners, or proposed by the said commissioners on behalf of this
state, that shall be made by any licensed vender of lottery tick-
ets, shall be affected by this section ; Provided also, that the
provisions of this act shall not be deemed applicable to such
dispositions of personal property of small value, as shall be
made by raffle or lot, and which shall not be intended as eva-
sions of the lottery system.
Penalty for
altering or
tickets, &c.
SEC. 13. And be it enacted. That if any person or persons
shall falsely make, alter, forge or counterfeit, or cause to be
made, altered, forged or counterfeited, or willingly aid or assist
in the falsely making, altering, forging or counterfeiting, any
ticket of any lottery, or other game of chance, or part or share
of any such ticket, or any certificate, writing, or evidence of
any interest in any ticket or prize in any lottery, or other device
of* game of chance, with intent to defraud any person, body
corporate or politic whatsoever; or shall utter or publish as true,
or shall sell or exchange, or offer for sale or exchange, any
false, altered, forged or counterfeited ticket, in any lottery, or
other device or game of chance, or part or share of any such
ticket, or any certificate, writing or evidence of any interest in
any ticket, or prize in any lottery, or other device or game of
chance, with intent to defraud any person, body corporate or
politic whatsoever, knowing the same to be false, altered, forged
or counterfeited ; then any such person, being thereof convicted
in the due course of law, shall be deemed guilty of a misde-
meanor, and shall be subject to confinement in the penitentiary
not exceeding seven years.
Act to be
largely and
against all
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That to the end that no person
or persons within this state, shall sell, vend, barter, assure, fur-
nish, supply, procure, notify or register, any ticket or tickets, or
share of any ticket in any lottery or lotteries, or other device or
game of chance, or any certificate, writing or token, of any inte-