approve only such consolidation of lotteries, as may be made
conformably to the laws of this state.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That it shall not be lawful for any
person or persons within this state, directly or indirectly, to sell,
vend, barter, assure, furnish, give, procure or cause to be sold,
vended, bartered, assured, furnished, given or procured, or to
notify or register, or cause to be notified or registered, any
ticket, share or interest, in any ticket or prize in any lottery, or
other device or game of chance, or any certificate, writing or
token, that any person shall be, or may become entitled to any
prize or interest whatsoever, that shall be dependent on the
drawing or determination of any lottery, or other device or
game of chance, unless such lottery, or other device or game of
chance, shall have been expressly granted by this state, and
approved of by the lottery commissioners, as herein before pre-
scribed, or be proposed by the said commissioners on behalf of
this state; nor shall it be lawful for any person or persons
within this state, to open, set up, use or keep, by himself, her-
self or themselves, or by any other person or persons, any office,
house or other place, for selling, vending, bartering, assuring,
furnishing, procuring, notifying or registering, any ticket, share
or part of any ticket, or prize, in any lottery, or other device or
game of chance, or any certificate, writing or token, that any
person or persons may be, or shall become entitled to any prize
or interest whatsoever, that shall be dependent on the drawing
of any lottery, or other device or game of chance, unless such
lottery, or other device or game of chance, shall have been ex-
pressly granted by this state, and approved of by the lottery
commissioners as herein before prescribed, or be proposed by
the said commissioners on behalf of this state ; and any person
or persons offending in the premises, shall be deemed guilty of
a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be subject to a
Not lawful
to sell, &c.
tickets in
any lottery
granted by
fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, for each and every
ticket, share, or part of a ticket, certificate, writing or token, so
vended, sold, bartered, assured, furnished, given, procured,
notified or registered ; and to a fine not exceeding five hundred
dollars for each and every day, or part of a day, that such office,
house or other place, shall be opened, set up, used or kept, or to
imprisonment not exceeding one year for any and every such
Penalty on
convicted of
any offences
specified by
this act.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That it shall not be lawful for any
person or persons within this state, the lottery commissioners in
their official capacity only excepted, directly or indirectly, to
sell, vend, barter, assure, furnish, give, procure, supply, or
cause to be sold, vended, bartered, assured, furnished, given,
procured or supplied, or to notify or register, or cause to be
notified or registered, any ticket, share, or interest in any ticket,
Not lawful
for any per-
son (com-
to sell, &c.
any ticket
in any lot-
tery with-