amount to
be raised,
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That in determining the amounl
which may be raised by lottery in virtue of any grant made by
this state, the lottery commissioners shall not allow any deduc-
tion to be made from the sum of money which any scheme of
any lottery that shall be drawn under any such grant, shall pur-
port to raise, because of any ticket or tickets, or parts of tickets
therein remaining unsold, at the time of drawing the same ;
nor shall the said commissioners allow any deduction to be
made from any sum of money, which any such scheme shall
purport to raise, for, as, or on account of the expenses incident
to the sale, or drawings of any such lottery or lotteries, unless
the act or acts granting such lottery or lotteries shall expressly
authorize the raising of a specified sum clear of or over and
above all expenses, nor in these cases, unless the several items
of such expenses, shall to the said commissioners appear to
have been necessary or proper, and the payment thereof be
proved to their satisfaction, by the production of authentic
vouchers, and a certified account thereof be at the same time
delivered to them ; nor shall the sum which may be allowed for
such expenses, in any case exceed the average rate of discount
which the said commissioners shall upon their sales or parts of
schemes or tickets therein make, or have made, from the scheme
price of tickets in such lotteries as they may, at or about the
same time, propose on behalf of this state ; which discount
may, on sales of less than an entire scheme, hereafter be fixed
at any rate not exceeding seven and a half per centum of such
price, by the said commissioners, who may allow a discount of
ten per centum from such price on each sale of an entire
scheme, but shall exclude their sales of entire schemes in
ascertaining the average aforesaid.
not to be
united, un-
less appro-
ved of by
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall not be lawful for any
person or persons to blend, unite or consolidate, any lottery or
lotteries, or other device or game of chance, or any scheme or
schemes of any lottery or lotteries, or other device or game of
chance, or any ticket or tickets, or part or parts of any ticket or
tickets, in any lottery or lotteries, or other device or game of
chance, which may have been granted by this state, with any
lottery or lotteries, or other device or game of chance, or with
any scheme or schemes of any lottery or lotteries, or other de-
vice or game of chance, or with any ticket or tickets, or part or
parts of any ticket or tickets in any lottery or lotteries, or other
device or game of chance, which shall not have been expressly
granted by this state; nor shall it be lawful for any person or
persons to consolidate any two or more lotteries, which may
have been granted by this state, until such consolidation shall
have been approved by the lottery commissioners, who shall