quarter-yearly, on the first days of January, April, July and
to pay.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the treasurer of the western
shore be and he is hereby authorized and directed, to pay to
any person on the revolutionary pension list, who may apply
for the same in person, or by order, the quarter's pension which
became due on the' first day of January eighteen hundred and
AN ACT to prevent the unnessary accumulation of Costs upon Slate
Relative to
fines im-
posed, &c.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That whenever any fine or fines shall be imposed upon any
person or persons in any of the courts of this state, and such
person or persons shall give security, in the usual manner, for
the payment of the same, and costs, it shall not be lawful for
any execution to issue thereon, until after the expiration of
sixty days from the day upon which such security shall have
been given.
Fines to be
paid over to
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That in all cases where any
person or persons shall or may be fined as aforesaid, it shall be
the duty of the clerks of the court, in which such fine or fines
may be imposed, upon the money being tendered to him, to
tax the costs in such case, as soon as the duties of his office
will permit, and receive the amount of such fine and costs, and
pay over the same to the sheriff of the county for the time
being, who shall pay the said fine into the treasiiry at such
time as is now directed by law.
AN ACT to continue in force the Acts of Assembly which would expire
with the present session.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
all such acts, and parts of acts, as would expire with the
present session of assembly, be and the same are hereby con-
tinued to the last Monday of December next, and to the end of
the then session of assembly.
* 1800, ch.
A SUPPLEMENT to the ACT,* entitled, an Act respecting Idiots, Lunatics,
and Persons non compos mentis.
See 1829, ch. 222 ; 1833, ch. 150.
Upon appli-
cation of
fee. lands
may be sold
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That where any lunatic, idiot, or person non compos mentis, is
or shall be possessed of any lands, tenements, hereditaments,
or real estate whatsoever, it shall and may be lawful for the