refuse to take the whole or any part of any estate at the valua-
tion put thereon by commissioners ; therefore,
SEC. 2. Be it enacted, That every person entitled to elect or
refuse to take the whole or any part of any estate, at the value
ascertained and returned by the commissioners, as provided by
the act to which this is a supplement, may make such election
or refusal, in writing to be signed by such person, in the pre-
sence of one or more Witnesses, who shall attest the same in
writing, and such written election or refusal, when filed with
the clerk among the proceedings in the case, shall have the
same effect and validity as if such person had made his or her
may in wri-
ting attest-
ed elect or
refuse to
take part of
estate at
election or refusal, in open court: Provided always, that if any
person entitled to make any such election or refusal, shall be at
the time a feme covert, such written election or refusal shall not
be valid, unless the same shall be acknowledged by her, to be
signed voluntarily in the presence of such person or persons as
are by law authorized to take acknowledgments by femes covert,
of deeds conveying lands, or releasing right of dower, and such
acknowledgment, certified to be made apart from her husband,
in the manner required by law in case of such deeds.
A further SUPPLEMENT to the ACT,* entitled, an Act for amending and
reducing into system, the laws and regulations concerning last Wills and
Testaments, the duties of Executors, Administrators and Guardians, and
the rights of Orphans and other representatives of Deceased Persons.
*1798, ch.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
in case of the death of any guardian, before an account of his,
or her guardianship shall have been settled with the orphans
court, it shall be the duty of his or her executor or administra-
tor, executrix or administratrix, to render such account, shew-
ing thereby the amount with which such guardian may be pro-
perly chargeable, and the disbursements made by the deceased
guardian, and the account so rendered, shall be examined by
the court, and if found to be correct, shall be admitted to record
in the same manner that other guardian's accounts are examined
and recorded.
tors, &c. of
shall ac-
count for
ship, &c.
AN ACT to repeal part of an Act passed at December session, eighteen
hundred and twenty-five, and for other purposes.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the second section of an act, passed at December session
eighteen hundred and twenty-five, chapter one hundred and
sixty -five, be and the same is hereby repealed.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the pensions of revolu-
tionary officers and soldiers, and of their widows, shall be paid
Pensions to
be paid