chancellor, or for the several county courts of this state, as
courts of equity, upon the petition of the guardian or guardians,
trustee or trustees, or committee of such idiot, lunatic or person
non compos mentis, and his or her appearance by guardian, to
be appointed by the chancellor or county courts aforesaid, and
upon the hearing and examination of all the circumstances, and
upon its appearing to the said chancellor, or the county courts
as aforesaid, that it will be for the interest and adyantage of
such idiot, lunatic, or person non compos mentis, to sell such
lands, tenements, hereditaments, or real estate, or any part
thereof, to direct the same to be sold upon such terms as the
chancellor, or the county courts, as aforesaid, may direct, and to
direct the application of the money arising from such sale or
sales, and the interest thereof, and the investments thereof in
such funds or loans, as to him or them may seem proper, and
in all things to order in the premises as the said chancellor or
county courts may deem for the benefit and advantage of such
idiot, lunatic, or person non compos mentis.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all sales made by the au-
thority of the chancellor, or county courts, under this act, shall
be notified to, and confirmed by, the chancellor or county
courts, before any conveyance of the property shall be made,
and bond, with good and sufficient security to be approved by
the chancellor or county courts, or any judge thereof, shall be
given by the person or persons empowered to sell the property
as aforesaid, to the state of Maryland, for the due execution of
the trust committed to him or them, which bond shall be lodged
with the register in chancery, or clerk of said court, and be by
him recorded among the records of said court; and an attested
copy thereof, under the hand of the said officer, and under the
seal of his court, shall be evidence in the courts of this state.
Sales to be
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the money arising from the
sales of said lands, tenements, hereditaments, or real estate,
shall, on the death of such idiot, lunatic, or person non compos
mentis, belong to such person or persons, his, her or their heirs
or legal representatives, as would have been entitled to said
lands in case the same had not been sold.
On death of
idiot to
whom pro-
perty is to
SEC. 4. And be it enacted. That it shall and may be lawful
for the chancellor, or county Courts aforesaid, to allow any
trustee who shall make a sale of any real estate by virtue of
this act, such commission as is usually allowed upon sales
made under the authority of the chancellor, or county courts
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That from and after the passage
of this act, it shall and may lawful for the chancellor, or county
to trustee.