SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the matters and facts neces-
sary to constitute an offence under the first section of this act,
may be given in evidence either under an indictment, framed
according to the principles of the common law, or under indict-
ment which shall set forth, that , the occupant of an office
in county, or city, (as the case may be,) being a per-
son not licensed to sell lottery tickets in this state, did on the
day of } permit or suffer a certain sign board, card,
notice or device to be exhibited from a certain office, room or
house in county, (or city, as the case may be,) by
means whereof a place at which dealing in lottery tickets
within the state is carried on, was pointed out ; and an indict-
ment according to the form here given, shall be deemed good
and sufficient in law.
for offence
under 1st
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the matters and facts neces-
sary to constitute an offence under the second section of this
act, may be given in evidence either under an indictment,
framed according to the principles of the common law, or under
an indictment which shall set forth, that , a person not
authorized to sell lottery tickets within this state, did on the
day of , expose and set up to public view, in
county, (or city, as the case may be) a sign board, card,
notice or device, whereby the people of this state, or some of
them, were informed or induced to believe, that some person
not licensed to sell lottery tickets in this state, is a dealer in lot-
tery tickets within this state ; which indictment; according to
the form herein given, shall be deemed good and sufficient
in law.
under 2d
SEC. 12. And be it enacted. That the matters and facts neces-
sary to constitute an offence under the third section of this act,
may be given in evidence either tinder an indictment, framed
according to the principles of the common law, or under an in-
dictment which shall set forth, that did advertise in the
, a newspaper printed in this state, bearing date the
day of , some matter, card or notice, whereby the readers
of such newspaper might be informed that interest in, or know-
ledge of some lottery not authorized by the laws of this state,
might be had and obtained in this state; which indictment,
according to the form here given, shall be deemed good and suf-
ficient in law.
under 3d
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That the matters and facts neces-
sary to constitute an offence under the fourth section of this law,
may be given in evidence as aforesaid, or under an indictment
which shall set forth, that did expose or set up to public
view, a sign board, card, notice or device, in county, (or in
city, as the case may be,) whereby the people of this state,
or some of them, might be informed or induced to believe, that
under 4th