Penalty for
signs at
place not
licensed to
SEC. G. And be it enacted, That no occupant of any office,
room or house, not licensed to open or keep any office or other
place for selling lottery tickets in this state, shall permit or suffer
to be exhibited from any office, room or house, or be attached
thereto, any sign board, card, notice or device, the purport of
which will indicate that such office, room or house, or any
other office, room or house within this state, is a place at which
dealing in lottery tickets is carried on, and any person herein
offending, shall be liable to indictment, and on conviction shall
be fined the sum of fifty dollars; and each and every day's con-
tinuance of such permission or sufferance, shall be considered
as a complete offence, and indicted and punished accordingly.
See 1828, ch. 129.
Penalty for
signs of
persons not
SEC. 7. And be it enacted. That no person not licensed as
aforesaid, shall expose or set up to public view, any sign board,
card, notice or device, whereby the people of this state, or any
of them, may be informed or induced to believe, that such per-
son, or any other person, not licensed as aforesaid, is a dealer in
lottery tickets, and any person herein offending shall be liable
to indictment, and on conviction, shall be fined the sum of fifty
dollars ; and each and every day's exposure, or setting up to the
public view, the prohibited subject aforesaid, shall be considered
a complete offence, and indicted and punished accordingly.
See preceding note.
Penalty for
SEC. 8. And be it enacted. That no person shall advertise
in any newspaper printed in this state, any matter, card or no-
tice, whereby the readers of such newspaper may be informed
where any ticket or tickets, parts of ticket or tickets, chance,
share or any kind of interest in, or any knowledge of any lot-
tery scheme, or class of any lottery, not authorized by the laws
of this state, may be had or obtained within this state ; and any
person herein offending, shall be liable to indictment, and on
conviction thereof, shall be fined the sum of fifty dollars.
See preceding note.
Penalty for
sign or in-
of lotteries
not au-
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That no person shall expose or
set up to public view, any sign board, card, notice or device,
whereby the people of this state, or any of them, may be in-
formed or induced to believe that any ticket or tickets, parts of
ticket or tickets, chance, share or any kind of interest, or any
knowledge of any lottery scheme or class of any lottery, not
authorized by the laws of this state, may be had or obtained
within this state, and any person herein offending, shall be
liable to indictment, and on conviction thereof, shall be fined
the sum of fifty dollars ; and each and every day's exposure
and setting up to public view, the prohibited subjects aforesaid,
shall be considered a complete offence, and indicted and pun-
ished accordingly.