sixty -eight, and the bonds required by this act shall be renewed
from tinie to time, as often as the governor and council in their
discretion shall deem the same to be necessary to the protection
of the public interest, and in case that any one or more of the
said commissioners shall fail to give the required bond on oi
Renewal of
before the said first Monday in May next, the appointment or
appointments of such commissioner or commissioners, shall be
considered as vacated, and it shall be the duty of the governor
and council to supply the same by a new appointment or
appointments, without delay.
ments vaca-
ted upon
neglect to
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That before any commissioner
of lotteries shall proceed to act as such, or shall be entitled to
any salary, or other compensation whatsoever, he shall take
and subscribe the following oath or affirmation before some
judge or justice, qualified to administer the same, to wit:
I, A. B. do solemnly sweat, (or affirm, as the case may
be,) that I will discharge my duty to the state as a commis-
sioner of lotteries, according to law ; and that I will present, or
cause to be presented, in the proper county or city court, all
violations of the laws of this state, relating to lotteries, that may
come within my knowledge, or of which I may be informed, in
such manner as to enable me to make, or cause to be made
such presentment or presentments; which oath being so taken
and subscribed, shall be delivered to the clerk of the city court
of Baltimore, to be recorded and retained by him, and an office
copy thereof shall be available evidence in all courts of justice
and elsewhere.
sioners oath
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That it shall be the duty of the
commissioners of lotteries, and each and every of them, under
the penalty of five hundred dollars, to be recovered by indict-
ment in the proper county or city court, as the case may be,
one moiety when recovered, to be for the use of the informer, and
the other moiety to the use of the state, to make presentment of
presentments, of any or all, violation or violations, of any of the
provisions of this act, or of any other of the laws relating to
lotteries, or to the sale of lottery tickets in this state, that may
come to his or their knowledge ; and in all cases where he or
they, or either of them may be informed of any breach or viola-
tion of the said provisions or laws, as aforesaid, or of any of
them, it shall be his, or their duty to have the person or persons,
who they or either of them, shall be informed has any know-
ledge of such breach or violation, summoned before the grand
jury of the city or county court, as the case may be, to testify
against the person or persons so offending.
SEC. 4. The power of granting licenses is transferred by 1831, ch. 79,
to the lottery commissioners.
SEC. 5. See preceding note.
Penalty for
to prosecute
for violators
of lottery